19grams's Logo


19grams Coffee Roasters

Who is 19grams?

Unser Februar-Highlight im 19grams Café: Herzhaft trifft Frisch Der Februar bringt Kälte, aber wir haben etwas, das euch von innen wärmt und den Gaumen erfreut! Wir arbeiten fair und transparent mit einem engen Netzwerk von Kaffeeproduzenten zusammen. Brandneue Produkte, Infos und Events, an denen auch du teilnehmen kannst. Stay in the Loop - Exklusive Rabatte und Angebote, Kaffee Previews, Insider Wissen, Profi-Tipps & Events.

This company is:

Service provider

Berlin, Germany

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2002

Products & services of 19grams

      La Granada 96h - Kolumbien Espresso | 19grams Coffee Roasters


La Granada 96h - Kolumbien Espresso | 19grams Coffee Roasters

Gabriel Castaño war der erste Farmer, der die Kaffee-Varietät Pink Bourbon auf seiner Finca La Granada in Kolumbien angebaute. Die farbenprächtige Varietät ist relativ selten, da das Gen, welches die Farbe in der reifen Kirsche kontrolliert, doppelt rezessiv ist. Das bedeutet, dass wenn es rote, orange oder..

      LTPO 2.0 | iknow Review x 19grams


LTPO 2.0 | iknow Review x 19grams

More is not possible - for every situation, every taste and every mood: LTPO 2.0 For adaptive energy with consistent enjoyment and the agony of choice! Contents: 144 Hz, 120 Hz, 90 Hz, 1 Hz All beans are Fair Trade and sustainable. 250 g per pack.

      TryMe Coffee Set - Pods | 19grams Coffee Roasters


TryMe Coffee Set - Pods | 19grams Coffee Roasters

3 x 250g single variety specialty espressos. One set, three coffees! Get 3x250g of our fresh espresso roasts and discover our single-origin coffees in the regularly changing espresso tasting set. Come with us on a journey through our coffee world!

View all products


Specialty Coffee
Office Coffee
Coffee Training
Sustainable Coffee
Light Roast Coffee
Food & Beverages


Food and Beverage

Use Cases of 19grams


Advent Calendar Project Coffees 2022 – 19grams

We are 19grams - a berlin-based Specialty Coffee Roaster founded in 2002 in Friedrichshain. We source directly traded and sustainable coffees with a focus on Specialty Coffee from Costa Rica.

Contact of 19grams

City: Berlin

State: -

Country: Germany

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about 19grams

The company 19grams is located in Berlin, Germany. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information 19grams has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

19grams was founded in 2002

The company 19grams has it's main focus in the industries of Food and Beverage

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company 19grams seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change